Monday, August 6, 2012

time line

Ok here I go. My first blog post....
So lets recap the past few years of this Tribe
2008-jan. Eria & I meet on  blind date
2008-june. We get married
2008-aug. We celebrate Eria's birthday.
Eria spends a week in the hospital....Heart failure.
My birthday
2008-dec. Eria gets laid off from his job.
2009-jan. Baby time...or so we thought. Kimberly Mae 7lbs. 5oz 13days old
2009-march. Eria gets a job @ a cookie factory (and brings them home by the bag fulls....I gain lots of weight.)
2009-june. + pregnacy test
2009-fall/winter car issues of all kinds ha! Eria on our way home from picking him up from work, says words that are just asking for the world to throw something at you. "How much can happen to us in one year"....BAM tree brach hits the windshild. On the plus side it was only on the passenger side.
2010-feb. Elijah is born 7lbs 3oz head of hair
2010-march. ish Move to new apartment in Kaysville around the conner from my Mom : )
2010-april. New Car....well used but new for us. 1995 Trooper
2010-No more major events life goes on
2011-feb. Eli turns one
2011-may. No need to take a pregnacy test I know.....not ready
2011-may. Quit my job at the book store bitter sweet
2012-jan. Garrett is born 7lbs 4oz. old man hair do
2012-aug. Eria's birthday I made him an awesome cake haha (with the help of my sister marissa) Eria registers for school......hopefully lol